*11/20 When You Don't Know What You're Doing

Pam Padgett ... Member of body of Christ & spiritual gifts of helps

I was raised in the Catholic church and attended Catholic school for 5 years.  But I had little interest in religion or God.  I always thought the Catholic church was "spooky".  


Then when I was 14 years old one of the boys in my class was killed in a motorcycle accident on his way to school. 

For the first time I realized that, even at my young age, I could die!


I was very shaken and "knew" very strongly that my ONLY HOPE was God to somehow save me. 

I started crying out ...

"I know there is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit  ... but I don't know which One I'm supposed to pray to.  So please get this prayer to the right ONE, because YOU'RE my ONLY hope.


In my prayer I told God that I didn't know if it was even possible, but if HE could somehow keep me from going to hell, to please do it.

This "please" was a strong plea, begging God to do this if it was at all possible.

I didn't know if it was possible ... but knew that GOD was my only hope.


And I was greatly helped ...

I was born again!