*VOLUME 11 - Product Description
The Wrath of God is coming upon the world and upon the churches who change and eliminate scripture. Paul explains in II Thess. 2, that those persons who are sitting in those churches where scripture is disrespected will be "damned".
Shocking but here it is in Bible.
II Thess. 2 ... because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Antichrist has moved into all the churches where they have removed certain scriptures or portions of those scriptures so they will not offend people and also to bring big numbers to their church services ... for lawless people have a great desire to be approved in their lawlessness!
Paul called these times: "perilous" (II Tim. 3)
In Bible we see the day of the Lord, the return of Jesus, cannot come until the apostasy happens in the church: II Thess. 2:3 NASB
The apostasy in the churches is happening now!
What are we to do?
None of us can keep attending a church where scripture is changed nor removed. You have to choose between your church and scripture in such cases.
And we must surround ourselves even more with godly exhortations.
For this reason, we write these volumes of EXHORTATIONS FOR THE CHURCH.
Joan Boney