*9/27 ... God's Ways Are Often Very Different From Wisdom Of Man

The house I live in was built in 2003.  It is stucco and needed some repair from cracks.

The contractor who built my house has worked on the house from time to time throughout the years but it is often pretty difficult for him to get the work into his plans for some reason.  I asked him about two years ago to paint some of the outside of the house.

I had prayed concerning what to do about the damage.  I talked with another painter who was available immediately to do the work but I was troubled by this painter.

Tom (contractor) surfaced again about the same time.  He said he could do the work.

But should I go this way?  I was talking with God.

Then as I prayed, I had a very unusual thing come to mind.  "Pay him in advance for the work." 

This was amazing to me and was the last thing one would consider doing in view of the long waits in trying to get work done by this contractor.

But I decided to go ahead and pay him in advance for the work.

By doing this, all the pressure was on him and it was all removed from me.  Since I paid for the work, I didn't have to be concerned over paying for the work since it was already deducted from my bank account. 

And it would be up to him to do the job.  I was completely free.

Several weeks passed after I paid him, but then he and his men showed up and did the work. 

It was excellent work and cost much less than the other painter said it would cost. 

Tom even painted the exterior of my cinder block fence.  I offered to pay him more money when I saw that but he said, "No, that is plenty. I'm glad to do it.  We had plenty of paint left over."