I received a disturbing letter from a woman who said she is a minister and wanted to ask me a list of questions about specific divorce/remarriage situations.
When I turned to God with this, I realized this woman is looking at the situation backward. She wants to discuss "cases" ... she should be focusing on scripture, not on the cases, for the scriptures define all cases.
Mt. 5:32 ... Jesus said ... Whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
There is nothing to discuss.
A man decides to divorce his wife ...
Mt. 5:32 ... Jesus said ... whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery:
If the wife is unfaithful, committing adultery against him by having sex with another man, the husband is free to divorce her without penalty.
But if the wife is faithful to him and he divorces her, he will be guilty of causing her to commit adultery if she remarries and has sex with another man.
A man in our little church group filed divorce papers against his wife. When I heard of that, I asked him, "Was she unfaithful to you?" He replied, "No."
I explained to him the only scriptural grounds for him to divorce her was if she had been unfaithful.
He withdrew divorce proceedings.
The commandment of the Lord for the NT church concerning divorce/remarriage is as follows:
I Cor. 7:10 ... And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: 11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
The wife can leave her husband but if she does she must remain unmarried or return to her husband.
This is very simple, clear instruction and fits every situation of marriage.
If the husband divorces her and she has been faithful, she will commit adultery if she remarries. Mt. 5:32 So even in this case, she must remain unmarried, according to the scriptures, the Word, Jesus.
We have no other rulings to go by than those stated in Bible.
So instead of focusing on specific situations of divorce/remarriage, focus on the above scriptures which show us the truth of the matter and show us what to do.