Even in Paul's day, antichrist was visible in the church groups.
Paul says,
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way. Then that lawless one will be revealed
2,000 years later ... what is it like in the churches?
I have tried, since 1982, to find a church to attend. Without exception, pastors were twisting scripture, omitting scripture, deleting scripture in each of the churches I have tried to attend since that time.
I went to each pastor with the scripture, but in each case pastor became angry and showed no sorrow nor repentance concerning what he had done with scripture.
How can this be? What is happening?
In March, 2017, God gave me one word and by that one word I realized what it is that I have been seeing for 30+ years.
It is the apostasy Paul said had to come in the churches before Jesus returned.
The word that opened my eyes was the word: "restraint"
The restraint against antichrist has been removed. The restraint was the scripture, THE WORD.
Certainly scripture is still citied even in the worst church group.
But who today speaks these words: The man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
(That is what Jesus said: Mt. 5:32)
Antichrist is already sitting in the church groups as Paul said had to happen. (II Thess. 2 / NASB)
The apostasy is rampant in the churches. It will not be stopped until Jesus returns through the air.
In the meantime, we are told in Bible to exhort one another "even more" as we see the day (of the LORD) approaching. (Heb. 10)
Exhortations for the Church is what this book and the other volumes of these writings are about. To help the remnant that remains at this time to be built in the faith in God and to endure these times.
Joan Boney