The Holy Spirit given us by God knows the "mind" of God and shows us the will of God in the issues pertaining to this present life. (I Cor. 2)
There are so many times I do things I never thought of before because all of a sudden I will see something to do.
The apostle Paul said:
Eph. 3:20 ... Now unto HIM that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
I Tim. 6: 17 ... the LIVING God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;
In 1979, when I closed my business to go into the ministry, I lived off the money I had made from merchandise sold in my shop. I did not try to get a salaried job in an organized church. I just waited until God showed me what to do.
I didn't expect to have anything, materially speaking.
I lived in a very modest, rented apartment, in Dallas and all I found to be of interest was Bible, so I wanted nothing.
In 1985, I moved to Clovis, NM (USA) to help my mother in her latter years. She lived 18 1/2 years after I moved there. Things I'd never had before began to surface. For example, I'd never had a washer/dryer in my apartment before this time. Now I had washer/dryer inside my own home! That was really something for me to experience. During the mid-90's, I discovered sound systems which I really enjoyed. These material things just surfaced in my life.
I had a very conservative approach, not spending much money in those early years, staying out of debt, not wanting to put myself in a position where I had to make financial burdens on the church people, not having a world type salary.
Everything worked great!
God assigned me various ministry functions which I joyfully did ... radio ... blog ... book writing on Amazon.
I really did not sit and plan how I could do ministry work ... I knew I was to be a minister and God was training me by having me read the Bible and focus on those scriptures called to my attention by the Holy Spirit, and walk in those scripture, applying the instructions to my life.
When God was ready for me, HE made it very clear what I was to do.
I as asleep in the night and a trumpet-like voice blew the following words into my ear:
"Hartford ... Seattle ... KWJS"
I jumped out of bed and wrote "KWJS" on a note pad. I knew it had to be radio or TV. It was radio.
I said to God: "Are YOU telling me to go on radio? I wouldn't know how to do that. I'm a writer, not a speaker."
The following gentle thought came into my mind: "Call the radio station manager."
That same day, I called KWJS and asked to speak to the station manager.
He came onto the phone immediately.
I told him God might be showing me to go on radio and I asked him how you would do that.
He replied: "Make an audition tape 29 1/2 minutes long and send it to me. If you fit our programming, I will offer you a contract."
Within 5 days, I was broadcasting exhortations on KWJS.
I never heard a radio broadcast in this field. God trained me to go on radio by having me read Bible and meditate on specific scripture and do those scripture.
Most people would prepare for radio by listening to other people's radio broadcasts. God didn't have me do that and I never did that. I just spoke that which I believed the Holy Spirit was showing me that day on that broadcast.
This is the power that works in us ... The Holy Spirit.
God leads us "one step at a time" ... and HE leads us by HIS Spirit through scripture, through dreams, through words put into our minds by HIS Spirit.
I receive emails from men who think they are supposed to go into all the world and preach the gospel. They copy each other. The set up "partner" programs to try to get people to give them money for their work. The have long lists of "goals" of what they want to accomplish: care for orphans, care for old people, build church schools, all sorts of works. I know this is not the way God leads when HE is in charge. God leads by one step at a time. And when God is leading the money is there to pay for the work.
When I had a dream in 2012, showing me a blog for the church, and I started a blog, I found there was no charge at all to us to publish this blog on Internet. The blog goes all over the world instantly. Amazing.
Later, in 2015, when I began publishing books on Amazon, there was no cost at all to us to publish these books. We publish ebooks and paperbacks without any cost to this ministry. Again amazing!
Mt. 11 ... God's yoke is easy ... and HIS burden is light.
Concerning material things: Here is how they appeared in my life.
A few years ago, I was driving down a street and a pickup came along side of me. It had a flat-bed trailer attached and the man was carrying firewood in the trailer. As I looked at the wood, I "longingly" felt, "I wish I could have a wood burning fireplace." And immediately there was the thought, "You can have this!" I had never before considered this. (I believe this was the Holy Spirit showing me the will of God for my life.) God gives us all things to enjoy. (I Tim. 6) I had plenty of money to make the change from gas to wood and I did immediately, as soon as the concept was brought to my mind. I have greatly enjoyed this wood fireplace!
At one point, I was struggling with a video picture on my TV. The TV was only a year old but the dealer did not calibrate the unit as he said he would do and the picture was badly "streaked". I was always trying to tune the TV. At one point, the following was brought to my mind. "You don't have to put up with this." (I had never considered changing out this TV until then.) After that thought came, I began to think the situation in a new way and I responded, "That's right." I didn't have to put up with that TV. I had cash I could use to replace the TV, so I did that immediately. (Again, I considered this direction to be from the Holy Spirit so I knew it would be okay for me to do this.)
In August, 2016, the new football season began and I watched a preseason game and realized my back was badly hurting. I had old chairs in that room and the hours of watching that game had hurt my back. I have had the cushions replaced several times in those chairs but they didn't last very long before problems came back with the chairs. At that point, it came into my mind that I needed to replace that furniture rather than try to repair it. (I believe this was from God by HIS Spirit.) I had the money to pay cash to replace the chairs, so I did. I ended up with a two seat leather unit with a console between the seats where you could put drink cups and other items. God certainly gives us above all we can ask or think! (Eph. 3:20)
The world plans to get things ... often using credit to pay for the item and later finding a burden.
I have ended up with all these things around me to enjoy without burden and without even thinking of getting things.
In September, 2016, I had trouble with my sound processor. After the third attempt to get sound on my TV, I simply turned the unit off, got up, drove to a business called "Sound Wave" and ordered a new sound processor. (Sometimes you just have it inside you and you know what to do.) Again, I had the cash to replace the item. I doubt that I would have done this otherwise.
I believe God has caused each of these examples to happen without my trying or planning to do anything to acquire items of this present world. I didn't even ask God for the item. God just put it into my mind (I believe by HIS Spirit) and I had the cash to pay for the item.
By faith we do these things ... otherwise we might be afraid to spend that money on things we could do without! (But I didn't spend all the money I had!)
Mt. 6:33-34 ... Jesus says ... But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and HIS righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.