The night I was born again, I was staying in home of my best friend and her husband.
We were having dinner and I had told them of a recent trip I had made to California as part of my American Indian arts business. As I described an event where I was walking with an artist on the beach, my best friend said, "Oh, but that is evil."
It was like a hammer hitting my head.
Shortly after that, I retired for the night to the room where I was staying at their house. There was a book in that room about sin. I began reading that book. God spoke to me by His Spirit, in form of a thought: "Joan ... you know those mistakes you've been making all these years? ... Those weren't mistakes. Those were sins."
"Sins ..." I exclaimed! I thought they were mistakes.
I was changed instantly.
The next morning, I was leaving Donna's house and as I walked past her I said, "Oh, by the way Donna, I don't think I've been a Christian until now."
I kept walking ... she stopped what she was doing and cried out ... "Joanie ... stop ... come back here ... what did you say?"
I explained what had happened that night.
I thought I was Christian, having been baptized in water, but after hearing what I heard the night before and the way I was changed, I knew this was really different.
When I reviewed the events of the night before with Donna, she said she didn't say what I heard her say at the dinner table: "Oh, but that is evil." (But that is what I heard coming from her mouth ... That is what God was saying through her to me.)
Some church groups want to remove all "supernatural" things from the church and from God.
But things of God come with power that defies the wisdom and thinking of humans.
Acts 9:1-6 ... And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest, And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.
And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:
And he fell to the earth, and heard A VOICE saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou ME?
And he said, WHO art THOU, Lord?
And the Lord said, I AM Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt THOU have me to do?
When I visited my favorite aunt after I was born again, we were talking and I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, "Tell her about being taken into heaven."
I certainly did not want to tell her "that" ...
She was Church of Christ member and that group does not share "supernatural" events.
But I did tell her.
After I was born again, in the night while sleeping, I was "transported" into heaven. I was with God, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit. At that time I was "merged" into the body of Jesus, made one with the Word of God, God and the Holy Spirit witnessing. It was wonderful! Greater than anything one could ever experience on earth.
Then a few nights after this the exact same thing happened a second time.
As I was telling her this, I noticed a type of "dreamy" look on her face. Then she said to me, "Something like that happened to me once and it was all golden."
Revelation 21:9-10 ... And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,
... 18 and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass ... 21 and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.
January 10, 1980, I was asleep in the night and was awakened by a very loud, trumpet-like voice, speaking three words in my ear: Hartford, Seattle, KWJS
As a result, within about 5 days, I was on radio KWJS broadcasting exhortations for the church.
Within about a year, I was on radio from Hartford (USA) through NYC to Seattle with several cities in between.
At first, the messages God gave me concerned following God by HIS Spirit and these were very well received by the radio audience.
Then toward the end of 1981, God said the following to me:
The time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God ... The time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God ... the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God ...
A few weeks later, I began seeing sins in various ministries. When I could not get these messages to the specific minister, I broadcast the message on radio naming the minister by name, citing the sin. The message got to the minister.
I was greatly persecuted after that by the church people who were followers of these ministers.
I went from being admired by the church groups to being defamed and hated.
I was still on radio in several cities and had planned to go into these cities to have meetings as I had previously done, when God gave me the following dream in 1982.
In this dream, University of Texas was playing North Texas in football. (a very big miss-match) NT was backed up to their goal line and the ball was about to be snapped. NT had a very skillful running back who had once played for Texas. Just as the ball was snapped, I heard: "Don't go until you see Exodus 15."
I awoke.
At that time, my calendar for 1982 was filled with meetings all over the United States. I cancelled all meetings, being assured that God was showing me great danger if I went out.
One of the women who supported the ministry at that time said to me, "Joan ... you can't do this. You have to go out. If you don't go out people will stop giving money."
Without hesitation, I replied: "God told me not to go out. I'm not going."
The money decreased dramatically ... but so did expenses!
I was fine financially ... but the persecution was severe and it was a difficult time for me to endure and it was difficult to see what happened.
Prior to this, I didn't realize evil could come through the church groups and from the ministers themselves.