*10/30 ... Comforted by the Faith of Another

When another person speaks showing delight in God and faith in God, we who hear that person speak of God are comforted by that mutual faith.

Paul said this in Romans 1:11-12 ... For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;  That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.


There is a woman who lives 1/2 way around the world from me.  I've never met her but when I write on our blog and she is moved by the Spirit of God, she often responds to me with single word emails ... Sometimes she says, "Sure" ... Sometimes she has said to me, "Amen."  I find her single word responses to be very uplifting for I know they are of the Spirit of God in her rejoicing over the message reflecting God and HIS ways for us on this present earth.

I am not comforted in the flesh of another person such as having some other human with whom I can go out to dinner.  

But I am greatly comforted when another person says something showing a mutual faith in God and HIS word.