3/11... Must love The Word of God more than any one or any thing

We must love God and The Word of God more than husband (or wife)...more than son or daughter...more than father or mother...more than grandchild...more than anyone or anything else

I once told my mother, "You can go down but I won't go with you."

I meant it.

She straightened up.  And she said, "I don't want you to go down."

But had she chosen to continue path of destruction after my dad's death I would have left her.  (Moaning and carrying on)


It's probably going to get pretty rough.

But you can't expect to make it by departing from reading Bible and godly exhortations...you will need to do this even more.

Nor can you likely survive without the church.  (When I say "church" I am not speaking of church building.  I am speaking of that individual who has the Spirit of God in him.)

While there is still time I encourage you to cultivate friendships in the church...by phone calls and emails.

Build up yourself in the faith...focus on things of God even more...

Hebrews 10 ... (Let us do this instruction.) ... Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for HE is faithful that promised;) 24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: