Jn. 14:6 ... Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Jesus, THE WORD, is the way to go.
We read the Bible and a scripture stands out to us! That is "the way". The Holy Spirit is getting our attention. Look at that scripture. Consider what God is saying to you. That scripture is a special message to you at that moment in time, showing you "the way" for you to go.
THE WORD is the way ... there is no other way to God ... and all who come to God come by THE WORD which is Jesus.
When you think of Jesus, what do you think of? A flesh and blood person who came to earth in the form of a human to die for our sins?
When I think of Jesus, I think of THE WORD ... for Jesus is THE WORD.
THE WORD is the way to God.
Think on "the word" that is brought to your mind by the Holy Spirit. Focus. Do "The Word" for it is life and truth and the way to go.