By leading of Holy Spirit, in 1979, I was persuaded that I was to be in ministry full time. I owned a business at that time. I announced to my customers that I would be closing the business to "go into the ministry" and my shop would close at the end of that current month, July 31, 1979.
I never had a sale in the years I had the business.
I sent out a card to my customers telling them all merchandise would be less 10% and the shop would close at the end of the month.
All merchandise in shop sold in 3 days. I was amazed.
I closed shop and stayed home at my apartment, reading Bible and doing what I saw to do from Bible.
I lived off the money from the sale of the merchandise.
I didn't try to get a job in a church. I just waited for God to show me what HE wanted me to do.
During this waiting period a job opened at a college in Dallas, "Christ for the Nations." But I didn't want to do that. I was persuaded by Spirit of God not to try for that job of Dean of Women.
I just continued to stay home, not knowing where I would go. I just waited.
January 1980, I was asleep in the night. A very loud voice, like the voice of a trumpet, sounded 3 words in my ear. "Hartford, Seattle, KWJS".
I jumped out of bed and quickly wrote "KWJS" on a notepad. I thought these were likely call letters to either radio or TV.
The next day, I looked this up and found it to be a radio station.
I said to God, "Are YOU telling me to go on radio ... I wouldn't know how to do that ... I'm a writer, not a speaker."
A very gentle thought came into my mind as follows: "Call the radio station manager."
I called that same morning and asked to speak to the station manager.
He came on phone immediately.
I told him I thought God might be telling me to go on radio. I asked station manager: "How would you do that?"
Manager told me to make an audition tape 29 1/2 minutes long and send it to him and if I fit their broadcasting they would offer me a contract.
I had a tape recorder so I recorded an audition tape that morning and sent it that afternoon by US mail to the station manager.
Within about 5 days, I was broadcasting exhortations on radio for the church.
A woman named Lilly McBride had been listening to radio KWJS during the noon hour. Someone quit the 12 noon broadcast time. Lilly began praying: "God ... please put a faith teacher on radio at this noon time."
A few days later, someone began speaking. Lilly cried out: "A woman ... NO ... not a woman." And Lilly got out of her chair to get to the radio to turn the radio off but before she could reach the radio she became interested in what this woman was saying and she kept listening. She became a big follower, of my broadcasts, for several years.
In approximately 2009, a delightful movie appeared, "Julie & Julia" ... There was a point in the movie where Julie started something called "a blog" whereby she sent daily messages on Internet.
I thought: "I would really like to do that ... but I don't have anything to say."
End of March, 2012 ... God gave me a dream.
In this dream, a woman was singing. She had a "little voice" but it was a "nice" little voice. Then people began speaking and I saw this would be a way the church could communicate ... by doing a blog.
I called Pam Padgett, a member of our little church group, and I asked Pam if she could set up a blog for us. Pam said she didn't know anything about blogs but she could probably find out about such. (Pam was retired computer programmer at FedEx.)
I asked Pam to find out about blogs and to try to set one up for the ministry.
Within 3 days, we were publishing exhortations on the blog: Jesus Ministries Exhortations
The first day of the blog, we had 2 viewers from Germany. We were so excited. It had never occurred to any of us this blog was going to be published all over the world.
World Wide Web ... WWW ..
We have published over 5000 exhortations since then on the blog ... It is indeed "a nice little voice" ... It costs the ministry nothing ... We can publish daily ... We go all over the world!
Hebrews 10:25 ... but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Mk. 16:15 ... 15 And HE said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
(Gospel means: "God's story" ... At this point in time, God's story through me is: Jesus is coming soon. Be ready... and how the church is to get ready)
In November 2015, I replaced my Kindle e-reader with a new Kindle. The new tablet was much more advanced than my first generation Kindle. I began to try to find out how to use this unit. I bought several books from Amazon but they were all too advanced for me and I couldn't find out what to do.
I began asking Pam Padgett (retired computer programmer at FedEx) how to do various things on the Kindle.
6 or 7 emails piled up ... and that is when I realized we needed to write a basic instruction guide for people with limited experiences in computers.
Pam and I began writing a book ... Graphically Illustrated Guide for Kindle.
I was thinking about Amazon. How do you publish a book on Amazon? I typed that into the Internet search and immediately instruction came on screen telling how to do this!
I asked Pam to check this information for us. It seemed legitimate to me for they were using Amazon logo.
We found we would be able to publish a book on Amazon without any cost to us!
I really couldn't believe we could do this! But we could, and did. Pam was putting the manuscript into the required format for publication.
I was bored, having completed the writing for the book.
I was just sitting doing nothing ... bored ... When the thought came to me that if we could write a Kindle book guide, we could perhaps write "ministry" books for the church.
I found we could publish, without any cost to us, ministry books, exhortations for the church, on Amazon and the market went all over the world on Amazon.
I asked God if I could do this? I heard immediately by Holy Spirit reminding me of a scripture.
"I AM with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9
So I went!
I began writing immediately with the book "Taking Thoughts Captive" ... published first in e-book ... then in paperback.
By the end of March, 2016, we had published 10 ministry books in the series, "Life in Christ".
Then by June we had begun the volumes, "Exhortations for the Church ". (Within the first 5 months we distributed 1077 books worldwide.)
Then we published: KJV New Testament (Key verses in red ... Definitions of key words ...Names pertaining to God and Jesus capitalized.)
After that we published: PSALMS ... For the New Testament Church (Emphasizing difference between OT and NT covenants)
And by the blog and these books, I have been given a vehicle to be able to do the following scriptures:
Heb. 3:13-14 ... But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;
Heb. 10 ... exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.