Vol. 11 - 31 Taking Every Opportunity As The Church

Galatians 6:10 ... As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.


Examine yourself:

Where is your heart?  Where is your effort?  Who is your treasure?

Is it focused on a rebellious child?  on an unbelieving mate?

Do you have any opportunity at all to do something for the household of faith?

Paul said, "especially"

Especially:  means
- special attention to (the household of faith)
- above all others

Don't overlook words of encouragement to the household of faith.

I don't like to miss opportunities.

- set of circumstances which makes it possible to do something

So many people have blood relatives as their treasure.

I believe our treasure should be "the household of God."

But I just try to take advantage of every opportunity to do something or say something helpful or encouraging to those persons who come across my path, Walmart, Costco, everywhere.

And it is even more important when we can encourage the people of God.