I Timothy 4:1 ... Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.
We have a situation that has been going on for months with a woman who will hear the right way of God but goes the wrong way because the thought came to her to go this other way which is opposite to be right way of God
When I saw I Timothy 4:1, I knew she was giving heed to a seducing spirit. But notice, she is doing it to herself for she is "giving heed" to this seducing spirit.
seduce: means ... to attract or lead someone away from proper behavior or thinking
(I hope this woman can come back from this ... nevertheless, even if her flesh is destroyed by Satan, I have prayed that her soul be saved. She has a wonderful spirit and charity when she is in her right mind.)
The thought comes as to what we should do. Then another thought comes which is more in keeping with that which we want to do. Often this second thought is from devil and the first thought is from the Spirit of God and is God's way. The flesh is not God's way. Neither is the devil God's way. They are opposite to God's way.
When we have two thoughts on a matter, we really need to stop and turn to God and ask HIM to establish the thought that is from HIM. We should see this as a STOP sign until God establishes which way is HIS way.
This should be a warning for each of us ... seducing spirits will draw us away from the right way if we allow it. We have access to prayer and at the time of temptation we certainly have a mighty and secure weapon in prayer, asking God for help.
Deception is rampant in these times ... the end times.