1/29. Grace

Titus 1:4 ... Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

I believe "grace" is the endurance of the position in which we find ourselves in this life.

God gives us the grace to endure without murmuring or complaining.

If you are widowed, God gives you grace when you belong to Him that you endure in hope even in difficulty.

If you are alone, know you are not really alone when you belong to God. God never leaves you nor forsakes you, say the scriptures. (Hebrews 13:5) ... The Holy Spirit is in you, never leaving you ... God watches over you day and night.

When husband dies, you can't hold onto that life for it is over. You must move forward in God.

I have recently heard 2 women, both church women all their lives. Both are widowed and neither have overcome in being a widow but both still try to cling to their dead husbands without moving forward in grace of God.

By grace of God, our circumstances change or continue. Either way it is God who gives us grace to endure.

For some, a physical problem surfaces and they can no longer do what they once did.

If we try to hold onto this life as it once was, we will drown.

The only way to endure is to move on in grace in the life we now have. If God changes that life then we move on in the new life.

There are many changes as we continue.

In all cases grace from God enables us to move forward in the change.